News Feb 19 24

Efficient Water Management: Core5's Strides in Reducing Operational Carbon-Water Footprint

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In the quest for sustainable industrial development, Core5 Vietnam’s approach to water management within its Quang Ninh project has set a new benchmark. The intricacies of the Operational Carbon-Water index are often overlooked in the broader conversation on emissions, yet Core5 has prioritized this aspect, reflecting an unwavering commitment to environmental excellence.

Operational carbon-Water, Core5’s showcased index, stands at a mere 1.1 tCO2e/year from a usage of 3,702.2 m³/year. This is an impressive achievement given that water-related CO2 emissions can be extensive due to the energy required for treating and moving water. In Vietnam, the conventional treatment and delivery of water are reliant on fossil fuels, which, as reported by the World Bank, places Vietnam among the highest CO2-emitting countries in the East Asia and Pacific region. A 2020 study by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) estimated that, on average, the water sector in Vietnam could contribute substantially to the national emissions.

Comparatively, Core5’s Operational Carbon-Water footprint is a fraction of the national figures. For instance, Vietnam’s energy sector was projected to produce over 224 million tonnes of CO2 annually by 2020, with the water sector contributing significantly to this figure. Core5’s operational carbon-water footprint is thus a testament to their advanced and sustainable water management practices.

This stark contrast is not only reflective of Core5’s commitment to sustainability but also of the potential for industry-wide change. By adopting innovative water treatment technologies and recycling measures, Core5 has significantly reduced the carbon intensity of their water management systems. This is particularly important given the growing awareness of water scarcity and the need for conservation in industrial processes.

The implications of such a low Operational Carbon-Water index are profound. It suggests reduced reliance on traditional energy-intensive water treatment methods, decreased operational costs, and an overall lesser environmental impact. Moreover, by setting such standards, Core5 is aligning with global sustainability goals, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions outlined in the Paris Agreement.

In conclusion, Core5 Vietnam’s Quang Ninh project is not just a model of industrial efficiency but also a beacon of environmental responsibility. The Operational Carbon-Water index, alongside the other carbon indicators, underscores the potential for the industrial real estate sector to contribute to a more sustainable future. With such strides in reducing their carbon footprint, Core5 is not only adhering to the rigorous standards set forth by LEED certification but is also pioneering a path for others in the industry to follow.

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